Han Collection

Ceramic Objects from the Han-Dynasty (206 BC – 220 AD)

Our knowledge about Han-ceramics relates to grave goods which since about 1900 came to light on founding sites located in different provinces of China. On the occasion of discoveries and archaeological excavations 1952 and 1960 extraordinary grave complexes were researched. These were residences for the time after death or truly underground palaces. Equipped with numerous grave goods, vessels and figures from clay with lead glaze, stoneware from feldspar glaze and many statuettes made of painted clay, they appeared like authentic museums. [1]
Originating from the early Han-Period (206 BC – 24 AD) numerous small modeled figures were found. They seem somewhat static, their prototypes were made from wood. Typical for the later Han Period (25 AD – 220 AD) are very attractive figures like dancers, acrobats, musicians and warriors. Further motives of these small shapes are various types of pets – rabbits, ducks, chicken, cows, horses – and objects of everyday life. There is also stoneware with geometric patterns or with mythological taotie-masks. (HV)

Visiting Address

5-1-1 Nishi-shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku,
Tokyo 160-0023, Room 2103
(open hours according to the arrangement)


Tel. +81 (0) 90-9224-9158
